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The episode starts out with an art collector, Dianne Roxbrook, looking for her missing painting. She gives you a newspaper clipping article about it.

While in this room, grab the fabric scissors to add them to your inventory

You can drag the scissors to the newspaper clipping to make this. It's not needed and it won't give you any achievements though.

Get your camera really close to the iron in the picture and tap it to add it to your inventory.

Point your camera at the cop's underwear to add it to your inventory.

Point your camera at the wrench to add it to your inventory.

Get your camera really close to the painting to add it to your inventory. (If you're having trouble, try tilting your device more towards you.)

This guy is guarding the painting. To get it, you need to knock him out. First, drag the scissors to the underwear to make a mask.

When you go back to the guy, you will be wearing the mask. To unlock a secret achievement, press on the guy; he will punch you and knock you out. Do this a total of 4 times to unlock the achievement.

After that, drag the wrench to the guy to knock him out and get the painting back.

Drag the iron to the painting to smooth out the wrinkles. Once the iron is on the painting, you need to move it around to get all the wrinkles out.

After the painting is completely ironed, go back to the art collector and give her the painting back. This is your last task.

Click the dollar sign in the bottom left corner to enter the sweepstakes if you haven't yet. Every week, the dollar sign will shine. Touch it to enter the instant win game. As you can see, I did not win this week.

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